Michele Sloane

After struggling with Multiple Sclerosis for over a decade, Michele discovered Baptiste Yoga. During her first class, she experienced ‘challenge/struggle’ like never before, yet she left feeling stronger and more alive in her body. The physical practice of Baptiste Yoga was igniting her inner spark, which gave her access to see her life in a whole new way. A new level of possibility was opening up. Michele continued to see her own growth and development and the inner balance she in herself. She had to share this! Michele committed to a yearlong training program with the Baptiste Institute. She found balance in managing the ebbs and flows of her debilitating disease. She faced a multitude of challenges. Not only was she realizing her physical strength, she was becoming present to the space between her thoughts; new realities and possibilities were emerging. Her sickness no longer defines her and in its absence, her strength, gratitude, wellness and presence do. She immersed herself in the practice and experienced her own personal transformation. Her personal experience through the Baptiste Institute as well as various other individualized yoga courses have implanted a permanency of being of service and giving back to her community and those who, like her, can discover the multitude and magnitude of physical, spiritual and mental benefits through yoga. She is lit up with the opportunity in helping other human beings see for themselves that transformation is not only a possibility, it’s a birthright.